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Grateful in all circumstances

Thank you for continuing to pray and give to this ministry during these most unusual times!! As school ended so abruptly in March, I admit, we felt confident that we would return to school “normally” in the fall. Even so, we determined to be pro-active in taking care of our employees and preparing for various outcomes. School Ministries, our national support system, was our first and greatest resource. We were able to receive valuable educational information and legal expertise outlining what we might expect and how to proceed. We began exploring this new idea of virtual classrooms reluctantly as we all agreed that “relationships” are key to sharing our faith and Biblical principles. One of the most difficult issues was waiting - waiting to see how the local districts would move forward and waiting to understand how we would fit in. Praying and believing that God would make a way to continue the mission He began 21 years ago – CCLC teaching the Bible to Clarendon County public school students and applying the biblical truths to the lives of the students. We prayed for school officials and teachers as they worked out the daunting task of building a safe learning platform for all involved. We were encouraged by their dedication and perseverance. Truly, iron sharpens iron. As the first day of school approached, we waited with eager anticipation to receive our scheduling opportunities. We received so much grace and assistance from public school staff. We purchased PPE supplies and laptops for each CCLC teacher and location. And our supporters responded with increased generosity and prayers, recognizing the unprecedented needs.

Now some are asking if and how we are operating these days. The short answer is YES we are still reaching out to students in Clarendon County with the gospel message!! The answer to the “how” question is a bit lengthier. At the high school level in District 2, we launched a virtual classroom the first day of school. Currently, we have a few students coming in person on their assigned days (as permitted by the district). Of course, the social distancing, wearing masks, and super cleaning is going on everywhere. East Clarendon Middle school students attend in person on their assigned days.

Our younger students, grades 2-6, from Manning Primary and Elementary, are all virtually participating. We anticipate Walker Gamble students, grades 4-5, beginning to do the same in the next few weeks.

As for virtual learning. . . Let’s just say that God is “exceedingly able to do more than we can ask or imagine.” And we may never know this side of heaven just what He is up to. But this we know: instead of just reaching our registered students grades 2-12, we are spotting a few moms, dads, grandparents, and toddlers checking in to CCLC class! And with this technology, we are able to link them to Bible songs and videos that they can listen to any time of the day or night. To God be the Glory!


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