March Missions – Noisy offering!
Once a year we encourage our students and their families to invest in CCLC. We want them to learn that Jesus asks all of us to “go and make disciples . . . teaching them to obey everything I have commanded.” Their assignment is to find a jar or can, decorate it, and drop in coins all month, praying with each deposit for a teacher, friend, or loved one; shaking it in a symbol of praise! They can invite their church or Sunday school class to help. Collections are to be dropped off at:
CCLC, 116 N Boundary St., Manning April 2-4, 8:30-2:00
CCLC, Pope St., Turbeville April 1-5, 11:00-3:00
(also,students are welcome to bring to class!)
As we draw near the celebration of Easter and remember what it cost our Savior to purchase our redemption, let us, “Make a joyful noisy offering of praise!”