Program Details
People around the country are amazed at what we can do at CCLC! National television and newspaper reporters have done stories on released time programs. Why? Because at released time, we are able to introduce public school students to spiritual material that they can not discuss in a tradional classroom setting.
Every year, individuals, businesses, and churches in Clarendon County give money so that this program can continue. The reason people give is that they believe in this opportunity for you to learn and grow spiritually. It's our job not to let them down..
This year we will study an overview of the Bible in which we will seek to discover how it applies to our lives. Who wrote the Bible? What is the Bible all about? Is the Bible really God's Word? What does the Bible have to do with me as a child or teenager in the twenty-first century? How can I study the Bible on my own? We will tackle these questions and more through this next semester.
You may already be aware that the Bible speaks about most of all of the issues that you deal with from day to day. We will discuss issues such as dating, marriage, drugs, alcohol, violence, parents, and much more - all at an age appropriate level!
Benefits of CCLC
Attending this class offers you many possible blessings: the chance to learn more than you ever thought possible about God and the Bible; the encouragement that comes by being around fellow students who are also interested in spiritual things; the refreshment of a break in your regular school schedule; the opportunity to have experienced mentors to help you with your problems, and a place where you can see that real Christians can have real fun. Most of all, you'll have a chance to meet and know God.

What We Expect of Students
CCLC opportunity is a gift from God, and it is the responsibility of all of us to use His gifts wisely. So, while we don't like to have a bunch of rules, we do ask some common sense things of you:
Be respectful of CCLC staff and fellow students. No rude gestures or negative comments. This is a SAFE place for everyone.
Do not be disruptive. No cussing, fighting, yelling, talking out of turn, note passing, makeup, sleeping, etc.
Be prepared. CCLC teachers will keep you informed of requirements.
ALL Clarendon School District rules apply at CCLC!
About Attendance
High School Students: If you are absent, you must bring a note from a parent or doctor within the next 5 days, or it will be considered unexcused. Please refer to your
school handbook for acceptable excused absences. Parents will be notified following unexcused absences. Unexcused absences will result in expulsion from CCLC and loss of opportunity for academic credit. The school you are enrolled in will determine how and where this class period will be spent for the remainder of the semester.

Students will receive one academic credit upon successful completion of one semester at CCLC. Students may earn up to two credits during their high school tenure by taking two semesters at CCLC. Grading will be based on the following: tests, homework, projects, and class participation.
Relationship to the Local School
To help our program thrive, we must work as closely as possible with the related local schools. We are proud of Clarendon County and want to see our schools excel in all areas. Therefore, we
support the schools' activities and we follow its policies (tardiness, attendance, behavior, cell phones off during class, etc.). Please do not ask us to make exceptions.