Our Story
Mid 1990’s –
A small group of mothers formed a Moms In Prayer International group and met weekly to pray for their children and local schools. Their prayers led to an increased desire for a Released Time Bible Education (RTBE) program in Clarendon School District 2.
Fall 1998 –
A steering committee formed and began a feasibility study of implementing RTBE.
June 1999 –
An official board was established with the following members: Erie Brown, Chairman; Bobbie Reaves,Vice-Chairman; Frank McLeod, Secretary-Treasurer; David Baker, Martha Baker, Miriam Johnson, Emily Stroy-Brown, Gordon Reed, and William Johnson. The organization filed for 501(c)(3) under the name Clarendon Christian Learning Center (CCLC).
July 1999 –
CCLC presented the proposal to implement a Released Time Bible Education program to the Clarendon District 2 Board and said proposal was officially adopted.
30 high school students
A portable classroom was positioned adjacent to Manning High School (off-campus).
65 junior high & high school students
100+ junior high & high school students
An additional portable classroom was placed at the same location to accommodate increasing enrollment.
200+ students in grades 2-3, 6-12
Grades 2 & 3 walked to First Baptist Church of Manning for classes. Some high school students met in an off-campus location near Phoenix High School (charter).
400+ students in grades 2-12
Continued growth prompted the employment of a temporary Executive Director mid school year. This position was to be revisited at the end of the year.
400+ students in grades 2-12
CCLC Board voted to discontinue the Executive Director position.
500+ students in grades 2-12
Portable classroom remodeled and relocated to 116 North Boundary Street to accommodate primary classes, and to ensure the safety of our youngest students and the efficient use of our limited time with them. Limited staff prohibited our continuance at Phoenix High School.
Kim DuRant assumed additional position as “lead teacher.”
October 2006
CCLC requested and received permission to award high school elective credit for students successfully completing a semester of Bible in accordance with the South Carolina Released Time Credit Act.
600+ students in grades 2-12
Acting upon subsequent approval, 7 high school students received elective credit the second semester of the 2006-2007 year.
CCLC purchased a school bus to transport elementary students.
789 students in grades 2-12
Erie Brown resigned from the board chairmanship and joined staff as part-time administrator.
Kim DuRant assumed additional role as Program Coordinator. At the high school level, 21 high school students were given academic credit as we surveyed the Old and New testaments during the first and second semesters, respectively.
468 students: 27 high school; 10 junior high; 217 elementary; 214 primary
CCLC held a 10-year birthday banquet at F.E. DuBose Center where students recited memory verses and a generous donor gave free t-shirts.
650 students: 31 high school; 52 junior high; 337 elementary; 230 primary
Summer 2010
CCLC purchased and renovated a portable unit housing two classrooms and two bathrooms. Our goal was to house junior high and high school students at the same location, thereby eliminating the need to bus students.
750 students: 84 high school; 45 junior high; 325 elementary; 296 primary
In the latter part of the school year, we purchased a 22-passenger bus to accommodate increased enrollment.
This year, we were also blessed to receive the honor of hosting the School Ministries Annual Conference!! One of our sponsoring churches, Manning United Methodist Church, graciously offered their facilities and staff to assist in this exciting event. CCLC students involved themselves in everything from making placemats to participating in the program!
749 students: 71 high school; 29 junior high; 325 elementary; 324 primary
CCLC organized a prayer walk in September for all area schools.
CCLC hosted a year-end program, Good News Night, at Grace Christian Fellowship. Approximately 250 students and parents attended. Students of all ages shared memory verses, class activities, and music.
Summer 2012
CCLC hosted a back-to-school fund raiser banquet at First Baptist Church of Manning. The banquet’s featured speaker was Captain Mike Nunn, a Hudson River plane crash survivor. Tables were sponsored by various churches, businesses, and individuals.
805 students: 67 high school; 23 junior high; 392 elementary; 323 primary
Second annual prayer walk
A year-end program, Good News Night, was held at Grace Christian Fellowship to highlight the students’ accomplishments. About 100 students and parents attended. All ages shared memory verses, class activities, and music, and enjoyed a reception afterwards.
788 students: 67 high school; 14 junior high; 372 elementary; 335 primary
Third annual prayer walk
A year-end program was held at Weldon Auditorium to highlight the students’ accomplishments. About 250 students and parents attended. All ages shared memory verses, class activities, and songs. The program was followed by a puppet show performed by Hands On Praise Evangelism (H.O.P.E).
This school year, under the “School to Work” program, Manning High School senior Elizabeth Coleman volunteered in our primary program by assisting students to and from school. Elizabeth has attended CCLC classes for several years and attended the high school class while volunteering.
March 2014
CCLC Director Erie Brown was elected to serve on School Ministries National Board!
775 students: 50 high school; 402 elementary; 323 primary
Fourth annual prayer walk
A year-end program was held at the Manning High School Lecture Hall to highlight the students’ accomplishments. About 250 students and parents attended. All ages shared memory verses, class activities, and songs.
October 2015
Clarendon County District 3 School Board gave CCLC permission for Released Time Bible Education classes.
857 students: 36 high school; 84 middle; 396 elementary; 341 primary
Fifth annual prayer walk
High school students visited State Capitol to join Franklin Graham's Pray for America
Classes were offered to District 3 middle school students for the last two quarters of the school year.
District 2 year-end program was held at Manning First Baptist gymnasium; District 3 was held at Turbeville First Baptist Church. Both highlighted the students’ accomplishments and celebrated the work of CCLC.
To read the full annual report for 2015-2016, please click here.
Summer 2016
District 3 building renovations completed and building dedicated August 14
850 students: 64 high school; 84 middle; 381 elementary; 321 primary
The year-end programs were held at Manning First Baptist gymnasium (District 2) and Turbeville Southern Methodist Church (District 3).
Plans are underway to offer Bible classes at Walker Gamble Elementary School.
To read the full annual report for 2016-2017, please click here.
813 students: 40 high school; 131 middle; 360 elementary; 282 primary
The year-end programs were held at Manning First Baptist gymnasium (District 2) and in the CCLC classrooms at District 3.
Fourth & Fifth graders from Walker Gamble Elementary School attended for the first time! Plans are underway to include third graders next year.
Looking for a high school teacher for EC High School students.
To read the full annual report for 2017-2018, please click here.
874 students: 67 high school; 184 middle; 348 elementary; 275 primary
Third graders from Walker Gamble Elementary School attended for the first time! Plans are underway to include third graders next year.
EC High school classes offered again!
To read the full annual report for 2018-2019, please click here.
851 students: 26 high school; 156 middle; 427 elementary; 242 primary
High school students hosted missionaries from JAARS (nearby mission headquarters) in the MHS Lecture Hall inviting various high school classes to explore the development of languages, culture, and translation.
EC High school classes were cancelled due to lack of certified teacher.
Fifth grade Bibles were presented at the WGE "drive through" graduation.
Covid 19 brought an abrupt end to "in person" classes on March 13. CCLC was able to send out lessons through the mail and conduct some interaction through Facebook. High school classes were completed for credit via emails.
To read the full annual report for 2019-2020, please click here.
566 students: 25 high school; 156 middle; 301 elementary; 84 primary
High school students taught virtually and "in person" (as permitted).
Middle school students taught "in person".
Elementary and primary students taught virtually in addition to lessons sent home.
Participated in Barrineau virtual Christmas parade.
To read the full annual report for 2020-2021, please click here.
734 students: 49 high school; 176 middle; 380 elementary; 129 primary
High school students prepared shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse; field trip to JAARS (mission organization); county tent revival.
Primary parents attended their child's end of year class presentation.
Bibles presented to CCLC/WGE fifth graders.
Participated in Barrineau virtual Christmas parade.
To read the full annual report for 2021-2022, please click here.
713 students: 59 high school; 21 junior high; 143 middle; 373 elementary; 117 primary
High school students: field trip to Temple Sinai; field trip to JAARS (mission organization); Ladies' Tea; Men's Night.
Primary parents attended their child's end of year class presentation.
CCLC/WGE Parents attended fifth grade end of year class presentation where Bibles were presented.
Participated in Barrineau virtual Christmas parade.
To read the full annual report for 2022-2023, please click here.