Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Released Time program? How does it work?
Released Time programs are classes held off school premises, usually in a nearby religious facility. These programs allow Scripture to be be legally taught on a devotional basis at a time set aside during the school day. Public school students, with parental permission, leave the school premises to attend religious education classes led by religious or community groups. To learn more, see www.releasedtime.org.
Is Released Time Bible teaching legal?
YES! Under current law, released-time program participation by public school students is permitted with parental approval so long as U.S. taxpayer money is not involved. These courses are not held on school property and participation is not required. http://releasedtime.org/legality explains more details.
Why is the program only available at public schools?
Private schools are not handicapped by the separation of church and state and can create their own opportunities to teach students about the Bible. Therefore, CCLC focuses meeting the pressing need for public school students to have the same opportunities to learn and grow in their biblical knowledge. We welcome homeschool students to our classes; please call for placement.
Why are some classes unavailable?
Due to scheduling and staffing conflicts, we adjust our class offerings from year to year. We revisit annually as opportunity and finances allow.
What curriculum does CCLC use? What are my children learning?
We use a variety of curricula depending on the age group for any particular class. For details about each class, please click here.
How much does it cost to enroll my student?
NOTHING! There is no cost for you to enroll your child in a class with CCLC. However, the actual cost per primary/elementary student in District 2 is about $25 monthly (much less expensive than most extra curricular activities!). The cost for junior high and high school students is about $40 each month per student. These numbers are based on a 12-month giving plan. They fluctuate with the number of actual class sessions and the number of students enrolled. Start-up costs for new programs within the ministry require additional dollars for infrastructure, etc.
How can I get involved?
There are a variety of ways in which you can be a part of Clarendon Christian Learning Center, from teaching a class to donating school supplies. Please visit our Get Involved page for more information.
How do I give to CCLC?
You can donate to Clarendon Christian Learning Center in a variety of ways. From our website, you can donate securely through PayPal. Other options include automatic bank draft or mailing a check. See our Donate page to learn more.
What is the accountability for CCLC finances?
CCLC finances are managed by a bonded treasurer and we have dual accountability for all outgoing expenses. Thanks to the generosity of churches in the area donating space, we have limited overhead expenses. This means more of your donation goes to teaching students about the Bible.
Can someone come speak to my church about getting involved?
YES!! Please contact our office to talk to a staff member about setting up a meeting!
How did CCLC begin?
For a detailed history of Clarendon Christian Learning Center Center, please visit our History page.
How many kids are involved?
With over 850 children currently attending classes through CCLC, we are the largest Christian youth program in Clarendon County!